Monday, April 30, 2018

Customize the Ribbon Microsoft Excel 2010

You can improve your Excel productivity by customizing the Ribbon with extra commands that you use frequently. Keep in mind that you cannot modify any of the default tabs and groups in Excel, other than hiding tabs you do not use.
 Instead, you customize the Ribbon by adding a new group to an existing tab, and then adding one or more commands to the new group. Alternatively, you can add a new tab to the Ribbon, add your own groups to that tab, and then add your commands.

Display the Customize Ribbon Tab

  1. Right-click any part of the Ribbon.
  2. Click Customize the Ribbon.

The Excel Options dialog box appears.

  • Excel automatically displays the Customize Ribbon tab.
  • Use these lists to choose the commands you want to add.
  • These lists show the existing tabs and
  • To display a tab’s groups, you can click the tab’s plus sign (+).

Add a New Group

  1. Click the tab you want to customize.
  2. Click New Group.
  3. Excel adds the group.
  4. Click Rename.

The Rename dialog box appears.

  1. Type a name for the group.
  2. Click OK. Excel adds the new group to the tab.

More Options! You can get more space on the Ribbon and reduce clutter by removing any tabs you do not use. For example, if you do not use the Excel reviewing tools, then you might prefer to hide the Review tab to reduce the number of tabs you see on-screen. In the list of tabs that appears below the Customize the Ribbon dropdown list, deselect the check box beside any tab you want to hide.

Try This! You can change the order in which the tabs appear in the Ribbon. For example, if you use the tools in the Data tab more often than those in the Home tab, then you can move the Data tab to be the first tab in the Ribbon. Use the up and down arrow buttons that appear to the right of the tab list to modify the order. You can also use these buttons to modify the order of the groups within any tab.

Although you will mostly prefer to add one or more custom groups to the default Excel tabs, this is not always convenient because it reduces the amount of space available to the other groups in the tab. This can cause the buttons to appear cluttered, making it harder to find the button you need.
In such cases, a better customization method is to create your own tabs and populate them with custom groups and commands. You can also export your Ribbon customizations to a file so that other people can import the same customizations. For more information, see the section, “Export Ribbon Customizations to a File.”

Add a New Tab

  1. In the Customize Ribbon tab of the Excel Options dialog box, click New Tab.
    • Excel adds the tab.
    • Excel adds a new group within the tab.
  2. Click the new tab.
  3. Click Rename. The Rename dialog box appears.
  4. Type the name you want to use.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to rename the new group.

Add a Command

  1. Click the Choose Commands From dropdown arrow.
  2. Click the command category you want to use.
  3. Click the command you want to add.
  4. Click the custom group you want to use.
  5. Click Add.
    • Excel adds the command.
    • To remove a custom command, click it and then click Remove.
  6. Click OK.
    • Excel adds the new tab or group, as well as the new command, to the Ribbon.

Try This! You can also customize the tabs that appear only when you select an Excel object. Excel calls these tool tabs, and you can add custom groups and commands to any tool tab. Right-click any part of the Ribbon, and then click Customize the Ribbon to display the Excel Options dialog box with the Customize Ribbon tab displayed. Click the Customize the Ribbon list and then click Tool Tabs. Click the tab you want to add, and then follow the steps in this section to customize it.

Right-click any part of the Ribbon, and then click Customize the Ribbon; the Excel Options dialog box appears with the Customize Ribbon tab displayed. To restore a tab, click the tab, click Restore Defaults, and then click Restore Only Selected Ribbon Tab. To remove all customizations, click Restore Defaults and then click Restore All Ribbon Tabs and Quick Access Toolbar Customizations.

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